单词 | 骑马 |
释义 | 〔horsewoman〕A woman skilled in equitation.女骑士:善于骑马的女骑手〔Verrocchio〕Florentine sculptor and painter who was a tutor of Leonardo da Vinci and is best known for a magnificent equestrian statue in Verona.韦罗基奥,安德烈亚·德尔:(1435-1488) 佛罗伦萨派的雕刻家和画家,他是利奥那多·达·芬奇的一个导师,以其位于维罗的巨大宏伟的骑马塑像而闻名于世〔horsemanship〕The skill of riding horses; equitation.马术:骑马的技巧;骑马术〔ring〕To hem in (animals) by riding in a circle around them.套住:通过在动物周围转圈骑马而包围他们〔crop〕A short whip used in horseback riding, with a loop serving as a lash.短马鞭:一种用环状物做鞭梢的骑马用的短鞭〔joseph〕A long riding coat with a small cape, worn by women in the 18th century.女式骑马外套:18世纪妇女骑马时所穿的一种带小斗篷的长外套〔mount〕An opportunity to ride a horse in a race.机会:赛马中骑马的机会〔raid〕from Old English rād [a riding, road] * see reidh- 源自 古英语 rād [骑马,路] * 参见 reidh- 〔post〕To send by mail in a system of relays on horseback.由驿站传递:以驿站骑马系统来传送邮件〔jog〕To run or ride at a steady slow trot:慢跑:以平稳缓慢的步子慢跑或骑马:〔raid〕The members of an army traveling on a particularroad to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words.However,raid and road descend from the same Old English word rād. Theai in raid represents the standard development in the northern dialects of Old English long a, while theoa in road represents the standard development of Old English long a in the rest of the English dialects. Old Englishrād meant "the act of riding" and "the act of riding with a hostile intent; that is, a raid,”senses that no longer exist for our wordroad. It was left to Sir Walter Scott to revive the Scots formraid with the sense "a military expedition on horseback.”The Scots weren't making all the raids, however.Others seem to have returned the favor,for we find these words in the Middle EnglishCoventry Leet Book : "aftur a Rode . . . made uppon the Scottes at thende of this last somer.”The "Rode" was led by the non-Scottish Duke of Gloucester, who was later crowned as Richard III, and Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.一支部队的士兵在某条road (路)上行进以发动一场 raid (袭击), 这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。然而raid 和 road 这两个词源于古英语中的同一个词 rad 。 Raid 中的 ai 代表了古英语中北部发言中长 a 的标准发展, 而road 中的 oa 代表了其它地区古英语方言中长 a 的发展。 古英语中rad 的意思是“骑马的行动和出于敌意而骑马的行动; 也就是说,一次奇袭,”词意中不再有路 这个意思。 沃尔特·斯科特爵士又恢复了raid 这个词的苏格兰语形式, 其意思是“马上的远征”。然而,奇袭并不只是由苏格兰人发动。别人似乎也保留了对这个词的偏好,因为我们在中世纪英语的考文垂史料 中发现了这段话: “在去年夏末对苏格兰发动的奇袭之后…”。该“奇袭”是由后来被冠以查理三世的格洛斯特的非苏格兰公爵和诺森柏兰的亨利·珀西公爵领导的〔equitation〕The art and practice of riding a horse.骑马术:骑马的艺术与技艺〔habit〕A riding habit.妇女骑装:骑马时所穿的衣服〔equestrienne〕A woman who rides a horse or performs on horseback.女骑手:骑马或在马背上表演的妇女〔ride〕rode a motorcycle to town; ride a horse to the village.骑摩托车进城;骑马到村里去〔ride〕To take part in or do by riding:骑马(或乘车)参加比赛:〔rodeo〕A public competition or exhibition in which skills such as riding broncos or roping calves are displayed.牧马技术表演,放牧人竞技会:一种展示骑马或套牛等技巧的公开竞持或表演〔stock〕A long white neckcloth worn as part of a formal riding habit.白色长领巾:一种骑马穿的服装中的长白领带〔croupier〕French [one who rides behind another on a horse (obsolete), croupier] 法语 [骑马时在别人后面的人(废弃),赌台管理员] 〔field〕The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.参加打猎者:打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人〔exhilaration〕"Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on them"(John Muir)“优胜美地的参观者中少有人见过雪崩,而知道其令人兴奋的骑马的人就更少了”(约翰·缪尔)〔joust〕To engage in mounted combat with lances; tilt.骑马用长矛打斗;持矛比武〔Dawes〕American patriot who rode with Paul Revere on April 18, 1775, to warn of the British advance on Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.道威斯,威廉:(1745-1799) 美国爱国者,1775年4月18日,和保罗·里维尔骑马预先通告英国人向马萨诸塞的莱克星顿和康科德进犯〔knight〕A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder.骑马的武士:中世纪的土地佃户,作为骑兵向封建土地所有者服兵役〔horseback〕rode horseback to town; horseback riding.骑马进城;骑马〔pace〕To go at the pace. Used of a horse or rider.溜蹄:按步法走过。用指马或骑马的人〔prance〕To ride a horse moving in such a fashion.策马跃进:以腾跃的动作骑马向前〔equestrian〕Of or relating to horseback riding or horseback riders.骑马者的:与骑马或骑马者有关的〔vedette〕A mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost.骑哨:先于前哨基地驻扎的骑马的哨兵〔equitation〕from equitāre [to ride horseback] * see equitant 源自 equitāre [骑马] * 参见 equitant〔joust〕A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match.马背长矛打斗:两名骑马的骑士或士兵之间用长矛进行的打斗;持矛的比武〔picador〕A horseman in a bullfight who lances the bull's neck muscles so that it will tend to keep its head low for the subsequent stages of the fight.骑马斗牛士:斗牛的骑手,用长矛刺牛的颈部肌肉,以使其头低下来准备下一轮的战斗〔canter〕after Canterbury [England, toward which pilgrims rode at an easy pace] 源自 Canterbury[英国的一个地方,朝圣者以舒缓的速度骑马去该地] 〔sit〕She sits her horse well.她骑马骑得很好〔jodhpurs〕Wide-hipped riding pants of heavy cloth, fitting tightly from knee to ankle.马裤:用粗厚料子做的骑马时穿着的裤子,臀部宽松,从膝盖到脚踝紧贴身体〔equestrian〕from eques [horseman] 源自 eques [骑马的人] 〔Warren〕American physician and patriot who instructed Paul Revere and William Dawes to make their ride to Lexington (April 18, 1775) and was killed in the Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17, 1775).沃伦,约瑟夫:(1741-1775) 美国内科医生、爱国者。指示保尔·瑞维尔和威廉·道斯骑马到莱克星顿(1775年4月18日),在邦克山会战中牺牲(1775年6月17日)〔carousel〕French carrousel [tilting match, carousel] 法语 carrousel [骑马持矛冲刺比赛,竞技比武大会] 〔equestrian〕Depicted or represented on horseback:骑马的:被描述或表达成在马背上的:〔seat〕a fox hunter with a good seat.这名猎狐者擅长骑马 |
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