单词 | 骨盆 |
释义 | 〔pubis〕The forward portion of either of the hipbones, at the juncture forming the front arch of the pelvis. Also called pubic bone 耻骨:两根髋骨的前侧部分,在交接点构成骨盆的前弓 也作 pubic bone〔hip〕The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis or pelvic region from the waist to the thigh.髋,髋部:从腰部至大腿向侧方伸出的骨盆或骨盆部位的突出部分〔waist〕The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.腰:身体躯干胸腔底部和骨盆间的部分〔pyelonephritis〕Inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by bacterial infection.肾盂肾炎:由细菌感染所引起的肾部以及相应的骨盆组织的发炎〔pelvimetry〕Measurement of the dimensions and capacity of the pelvis, especially of the adult female pelvis.骨盆测量:尤指对成年女性骨盆容积的测量〔pelvic〕Of, in, near, or relating to the pelvis:属于、位于、接近或有关骨盆的:〔ornithischian〕A dinosaur of the order Ornithischia, having a pelvic structure similar to that of birds.鸟臀目恐龙:一种骨盆部的结构与鸟类的相似的鸟臀目的恐龙〔pelvic〕a pelvic artery.一条靠近骨盆的动脉〔relaxin〕A female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum that helps soften the cervix and relax the pelvic ligaments in childbirth.耻骨松弛激素:由身体卵巢分泌的雌性荷尔蒙,能帮助生产时放松子宫颈并且放松骨盆韧带〔hipbone〕Either of two large flat bones each forming one of the lateral halves of the pelvis and consisting of the fused ilium, ischium, and pubis. Also called innominate bone 髋骨:构成骨盆侧向部分的两块大而平的骨骼,由合并的髋骨,坐骨和耻骨组成 也作 innominate bone〔oyster〕An edible bit of muscle found in the hollow of the pelvic bone of a fowl.虫毛状鸡背肉:在家禽的骨盆骨空心内发现的一种少量的可食的肌肉〔back〕The posterior portion of the trunk of the human body between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.背部:人体躯干的后部,在脖子和骨盆之间;背部〔buttock〕buttocks The rear pelvic area of the human body. buttocks 臀部:人体上接近骨盆的部位〔ilium〕The uppermost and widest of the three bones constituting either of the lateral halves of the pelvis.髂骨:形成骨盆侧面的三块骨头中最上面和最宽的那块〔laparoscope〕A slender, tubular endoscope that is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall to examine or perform minor surgery within the abdominal or pelvic cavities.腹腔镜:细长管状内诊镜,通过食管进入腹腔以检查腹腔或骨盆或在其中实施手术〔abdomen〕The part of the body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Also called belly 腹部:在胸与骨盆间的身体部分,将胃、肠、肝、脾和胰环绕在内 也作 belly〔plexus〕the cardiac plexus; the pelvic plexus.心脏丛;骨盆丛〔calyx〕A cuplike structure or organ, such as one of the cuplike divisions of the pelvis or of the kidney.杯状器官:杯状结构或器官,如骨盆或肾的杯状分岔〔ischium〕The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.坐骨:构成一侧骨盆的三根主骨中最低的骨 |
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