单词 | 高傲 |
释义 | 〔pride〕Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.傲慢,无礼:傲慢或轻视的行为或处理;高傲〔obstinate〕Stiff-necked implies stubbornness combined with arrogance or aloofness: Stiff-necked 暗示固执中含有高傲或疏远: 〔lordly〕In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.高傲地,贵族般地:以符合贵族或作为贵族的尊贵的、高贵的方式或具有其特点〔amiable〕"an amiable villain with a cocky, sidelong grin" (Hal Hinson). “带着一种高傲且目中无人微笑的态度和蔼的恶棍” (哈尔·金森)。〔sweep〕To move swiftly in a lofty manner, as if in a trailing robe:以高雅方式移动:象穿着曳地长袍般高傲快速地移动:〔proud〕Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem.高傲的,自命不凡:充满或显示过度的自尊心的〔disdain〕To regard or treat with haughty contempt; despise.See Synonyms at despise 鄙视、鄙弃:以高傲的鄙视来看待或对待;轻视 参见 despise〔surly〕The fact that the wordsurly means "churlish" nicely indicates its fall in status. Churlish derives from the word churl, which in its Old English form ceorl meant "a man without rank, a member of the lowest rank of freemen,” as well as "peasant" in general. In Old Englishceorl may have been a term of contempt; it certainly became one in Middle English,wherecherl meant "base fellow, boor,” with churlish descending in meaning accordingly. Surly, on the other hand, started its life at the top of the scale but fell just as far. Looking at instances of this word in Middle English and Early Modern English,we see thatsurly was only one spelling for this word, another spelling beingsirly, which makes it clear that it came from the word sir, the term of honor for a knight or for a person of rank or importance in general. Thussirly, the form under which the early spellings of the word are entered in the Oxford English Dictionary, first meant "lordly.” Surly, entered as a separate word in the OED and first recorded in 1566, meant perhaps "lordly, majestic,” in its earliest use,subsequently being used in the sense "masterful, imperious, arrogant.” As the gloss "arrogant" makes clear, the wordsirly could have a negative sense, and it is this area of meaning that is responsible for the current "churlish" sense of the word.surly 意为“粗野的”事实生动地说明了这个词的地位下降。 Churlish 是 churl 的派生词,其古英文形式 ceorl 的意思是“没有爵位的男人,或者是自由民中最低等级的男人”,大概象“农民”一样。 古英语中ceorl 可能含有贬意; 中古英语中肯定是贬意,其cherl 的意思是“卑贱的人,粗野的人”,相应地 churlish 的意思也下降了。 另一方面,Surly 开始是个高尚的字,后来地位同样下降。 从中古英语和早期现代英语中的实例,我们可以看到,surly 的拼法只有一个, 另一个是sirly ,它清楚地表明这个字来自 sir (给于骑士或有等级或有身份的人的尊称)。 因此,sirly 这个字的最初形式记载在 牛津英语词典 中,开始的意思为(有威严的,高傲的)。 Surly 作为另一个字最初于1566年记录在 OED 中, 最初的意思是“老爷的、尊贵的”,以后的意思为“老爷般的、命令式的、傲慢的”。“傲慢”这个字条清楚地说明sirly 可能有过否定的意思, 也正是在这层意义上,它和目前“粗野的”意义有关〔supercilious〕Feeling or showing haughty disdain.See Synonyms at proud 高傲的:感觉到或表现出骄傲的轻蔑的 参见 proud〔proud〕"We hardly know an instance of the strength and weakness of human nature so striking and so grotesque as the character of this haughty, vigilant, resolute, sagacious blue-stocking [Frederick the Great] ” (Macaulay).“我们几乎找不到一个人性的力量和弱点象这个高傲、机警、坚定、智慧的女学者的性格那样如此醒目和怪异的例子 ” (麦考莱)。〔superior〕Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious.傲慢的:摆出轻蔑或自满的样子的;高傲且盛气凌人的〔surly〕Middle English sirly [masterful, lordly] 中古英语 sirly [傲慢的,高傲的] 〔pedagogic〕a haughty, pedagogic manner.一种高傲而又拘礼的行为〔sniffy〕Disposed to showing arrogance or contempt; haughty.嗤之以鼻的:神态显示出高傲或鄙视的;骄傲的〔airy〕dismissed us with an airy wave of the hand.高傲地一挥手就把我们打发了〔cold〕Not affectionate or friendly; aloof:高傲的:不喜爱或不友好的;高傲自大的:〔stalk〕To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait:昂首阔步地走:以僵硬的、高傲的或生气的步态行走:〔superb〕Latin superbus [arrogant, superior] * see uper 拉丁语 superbus [傲慢的,高傲的] * 参见 uper 〔proud〕 Supercilious implies haughty disdain: Supercilious 含有高傲的蔑视之意: 〔cold〕a cold person; a cold nod.冷漠的人;高傲的一颔首〔airy〕Displaying lofty nonchalance:高傲的:显示出高傲的冷漠的:〔condescending〕Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude.高傲的:显示出很强的优越感的〔grand〕Magnificent suggests splendor, sumptuousness, and grandeur: Magnificent 暗含辉煌,高傲和威严: |
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