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单词 鸣鸟
释义 〔serin〕Any of several Old World finches of the genusSerinus having yellowish plumage, especially a European species (S. serinus) closely related to the canary. 金丝雀:几种金丝雀 属的旧世界鸣鸟中的任一种,长有淡黄色的羽毛,尤指与金丝雀有紧密关系的 (金丝雀) 〔bulbul〕Any of various passerine, chiefly tropical Old World songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae, having grayish or brownish plumage.鹎:一种雀形目鸟类,主要指东半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣〔sparrow〕Any of various small New World finches of the family Emberizidae, having brownish or grayish plumage and including the song sparrow, white-throated sparrow, chipping sparrow, vesper sparrow, and other closely related species.麻雀:任一种产于西半球的雀科的小雀鸣鸟,羽毛呈浅棕色或浅灰色,包括歌雀、白喉带、褐斑翅雀、黄昏雀和其他相近的种类〔nightingale〕A European songbird(Luscinia megarhynchos) with reddish-brown plumage, noted for the melodious song of the male at night during the breeding season. 歌鸲:一种欧洲的有赤褐色羽毛的鸣鸟(新疆歌鸲) ,以雄鸟在繁殖季节夜晚发出的悦耳动听的鸣声而著名 〔bluebird〕Any of several North American songbirds of the genusSialia, having blue plumage and usually a rust-colored breast in the male. 蓝鸫:一种北美洲蓝鸫属 鸣鸟,羽毛呈蓝色,雄鸟的胸多呈淡红色 〔beccafico〕A small songbird or warbler of various genera, especially the European garden warbler(Sylvia hortensis), that is eaten as a delicacy in Italy and France. 比卡丝莺:一种小歌鸟或各类鸣鸟,尤指欧洲花园里的鸣禽(动听林莺) 在意大利和法国被作为美味而食 〔nightingale〕Any of various other nocturnal songbirds of the genusLuscinia. 夜间啼叫的鸟:一种欧亚歌鸲 属的其它夜鸣鸟 〔chaffinch〕A small European songbird(Fringilla coelebs), the male of which has predominantly reddish-brown plumage. 花鸡,苍头燕雀:欧洲一种小型鸣鸟(苍头燕雀 燕雀属) ,雄鸟的羽毛主要为红棕色 〔pipit〕Any of various widely distributed songbirds of the genusAnthus, characteristically having brownish upper plumage and a streaked breast. Also called titlark 鹨:一种分布较广的鹨 属鸣鸟,特征是长有棕色上羽和条纹胸羽 也作 titlark〔whitethroat〕Either of two Old World songbirds(Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly. 灰莺:产于东半球的一种鸣鸟(灰白喉林莺 或 白喉林莺) ,羽毛略带褐色,喉部和腹部呈白色 〔sicklebill〕Any of several birds having long sharply curved bills, asFalculea palliata, a passerine bird of Madagascar, and Hemignathus procerus, a Hawaiian honeycreeper. 弯嘴鸟:一种具有长、锋利且弯曲鸟喙的鸟类,如镰嘴鸟, 马达加斯加岛上的一种雀形的鸟和 鸣鸟, 一种夏威夷美色食虫鸣鸟 〔passerine〕Of or relating to birds of the order Passeriformes, which includes perching birds and songbirds such as the jays, blackbirds, finches, warblers, and sparrows.雀形目的:雀形目的鸟类的或与雀形目鸟类有关的,包括栖木类鸟和鸣鸟如松鸦、燕雀、呜禽和麻雀〔chaffinch〕finch [finch] finch [濞科鸣鸟] 〔weaverbird〕Any of various chiefly tropical Old World birds of the family Ploceidae, similar to the finches and characterized by the ability to build complex communal nests of intricately woven vegetation. Also called weaver finch 织布鸟:东半球的织布鸟科的各种主要生活在热带的鸟,类似雀科的鸣鸟,其特征为有用植被精细的织布建造复杂的公共巢穴的能力 也作 weaver finch〔catbird〕A North American songbird(Dumetella carolinensis) having predominantly slate plumage. 灰猫嘲鸫:一种北美鸣鸟(灰猫嘲鸫) ,长有暗蓝灰色的羽毛 〔meadowlark〕Any of various songbirds of the genusSturnella of North America, especially S. magna, the eastern meadowlark, and S. neglecta, the western meadowlark, having brownish plumage, a yellow breast, and a black crescent-shaped marking beneath the throat. 草地鹨:一种产于北美洲的草地鹨 属鸣鸟,尤指东部草地鹨的 东美草地鹨, 和西部草地鹨的 西美草地鹨 ,长有深褐色羽毛,胸部为黄色,喉部下面有黑色新月形标记 〔woodlark〕An Old World songbird(Lullula arborea) resembling the skylark. 木百灵:一种欧亚大陆鸣鸟(木百灵) ,像云雀




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