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单词 麦考利
释义 〔brave〕"The Romans were like brothers/In the brave days of old"(Macaulay)“罗马人情同手足/在旧时的伟大岁月里”(麦考利)〔small〕"A crowd of small writers had vainly attempted to rival Addison"(Macaulay)“一群第二流作家曾经试图超过安德森,但他们没有获得成功”(麦考利)〔discuss〕"Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely" (Macaulay).“只有在自由讨论才最有可能解决问题” (麦考利)。〔Macaulay〕British writer whose witty, urbane novels includePotterism (1920) and The World My Wilderness (1950). 麦考利,罗斯:(1881-1958) 英国女作家,著有《悠闲人生》 (1920年)和 《我的荒芜世界》 (1950年)等诙谐的城市题材小说 〔unruly〕"Fox, as the less proud and intractable of the refractory pair, was preferred" (Macaulay).“福克斯是这两个脾气倔强人中较少傲气和较为容易控制的一个,因此被看中了” (麦考利)。〔opponent〕"two men, one . . . a zealous supporter and the other a zealous opponent of the system pursued" (Macaulay).“两种人,一种…是对一种体系的热心支持者,另一种是激进反对者” (麦考利)。〔arduous〕"the arduous work of preparing a Dictionary of the English Language"(Macaulay)“制作一本英语语言词典的艰巨工作”(麦考利)〔turn〕"Sudden prosperity had turned[his] head" (Macaulay)“飞来的横财使[他的] 脑筋不太正常” (麦考利)〔disgrace〕"his long public life, so singularly checkered with good and evil, with glory and obloquy" (Macaulay).他长期从事公务,好的和坏的,光荣和受辱交错,盛衰无常 (麦考利)。〔hard〕"knowledge at which[Isaac] Newton arrived through arduous and circuitous paths" (Macaulay). “艾萨克·牛顿经过艰辛的和曲折的道路所得到的 知识” (麦考利)。 〔mood〕"The nation was in such a temper that the smallest spark might raise a flame" (Macaulay).“全国上下都十分愤慨以至于稍有火星都可能引起熊熊火焰” (麦考利〔replace〕"In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech" (Macaulay). “在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代” (麦考利)。 〔threaten〕"A new and formidable danger menaced the western frontier" (Macaulay).Tointimidate is to threaten and fill with fear: “一个新的可怕的危险威胁着西部边界” (麦考利)。Intimidate 指威胁且充满恐惧: 〔intention〕"The chief object of the English was to establish . . . a great empire on the Continent" (Macaulay).英国的主要目的是要在大陆上建立…一个伟大的帝国 (麦考利)。〔Macaulay〕British historian, writer, and politician whose works include the popularHistory of England (1849-1861), numerous essays for the Edinburgh Review, and a volume of narrative poems, Lays of Ancient Rome (1842). 麦考利,托马斯·巴宾顿:(1800-1859) 英国历史学家、作家和政治家,著作包括受欢迎的《英国史》 (1849-1861年),为 《爱丁堡评论》 撰写的众多文章和一卷叙述诗集 《古罗马之歌》 (1842年) 〔work〕"the drudgery of penning definitions and marking quotations for transcription" (Macaulay). “写定义和标明翻译用引言的枯燥工作” (麦考利)。〔distort〕"The earlier part of his discourse was deformed by pedantic divisions and subdivisions" (Macaulay).“学究式的划分和次分损毁了他的讲话的前一部分的外形” (麦考利)。〔reckless〕"James . . . became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans" (Macaulay).“詹姆士…变成了一个最鲁莽且不顾后果的党徒” (麦考利)。〔lure〕"The French King attempted by splendid offers to seduce him from the cause of the Republic" (Macaulay).“法国国王试图以十分优厚的条件诱使他脱离共和国的事业” (麦考利〔catechize〕"Boswell was eternally catechizing him on all kinds of subjects"(Macaulay)“波斯维尔无休止地在各种各样的问题上向他发问”(麦考利)〔McCauley〕American Revolutionary heroine who carried water to the soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth (June 28, 1778) and took over the gun of her husband after he was overcome with heat.麦考利,玛丽·路德维希·海斯:(1754-1832) 美国大革命时期的女英雄,在蒙茅思战役中(1778年6月28日)曾为士兵送水,在她丈夫热晕后她曾接过他手中的枪继续作战〔hinder〕"Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth" (Macaulay).“感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求” (麦考利)。〔lift〕"Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains" (Macaulay).“她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓” (麦考利)。〔show〕"He early discovered that, by parading his unhappiness before the multitude, he produced an immense sensation" (Macaulay).“他很早就发现通过向众人诉说他的凄苦产生了巨大的轰动” (麦考利)。〔passion〕"his fervent zeal for the interests of the state" (Macaulay). “他对国家利益的强烈热忱” (麦考利)。 〔wit〕"A drayman in a passion [a rage] calls out, ‘You are a pretty fellow,’ without suspecting that he is uttering irony" (Macaulay).See also Synonyms at mind “激动[生气] 的卡车司机叫道,‘你真是个好家伙,’表达的意思无疑是反语” (麦考利) 参见同义词 mind




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