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单词 黄色
释义 〔goldenseal〕A woodland plant(Hydrastis canadensis) of eastern North America, having small greenish-white flowers and a yellow root formerly used medicinally. Also called orangeroot 白毛茛:一种产于北美洲东部的林地植物(白毛茛 白毛茛属) ,有略呈浅绿色的小白花,黄色的根,以前作药用 也作 orangeroot〔calliopsis〕A North American annual plant(Coreopsis tinctoria) widely cultivated for its showy flower heads with yellow rays and purple-red to brownish centers. 金鸡菊:一种北美一年生植物(两色金鸡菊 金鸡菊属) ,因其带有黄色伞形花序和紫红到浅棕色花蕊的花冠而被普遍栽培 〔fustic〕A small dioecious tropical American tree(Chlorophora tinctoria) having wood that yields a yellow dyestuff. 黄木:一种可产生黄色染色剂的热带美洲产雌雄异株树木(黄木或染料桑木) 〔sunglow〕A rose or yellow glow in the sky preceding sunrise or following sunset.朝霞,晚霞:日出前或日出落后天空中玫瑰色或黄色的霞光〔snowberry〕Any of various tropical American shrubs or vines of the genusChiococca, having white globular fruit and small yellow or white flowers clustered in lateral racemes. 白雪浆果:一种热带美洲灌木或藤本植物白雪浆果 ,结有白色的球状果实,开侧生总状花序的黄色或白色小花 〔pilocarpine〕A colorless or yellow poisonous compound, C11H 16N 2O 2, obtained from the leaves of the jaborandi and used to induce sweating, promote salivation, and treat glaucoma. 毛果芸香碱:一种无色或黄色的有毒混合物C11H 16N 2O 2,从毛果芸香叶中提取,用来引发流泪、促进唾液分泌并治疗青光眼 〔vesuvianite〕A green, brown, yellow, or blue metamorphic silicate mineral, Ca10Mg 2Al 4(SiO 4) 5(Si 2O 7) 2(OH) 4. Also called idocrase 符山石:一种绿色、棕色、黄色或者蓝色的变形硅酸盐矿石,Ca10Mg 2Al 4(SiO 4) 5(Si 2O 7) 2(OH) 4 也作 idocrase〔orpiment〕Arsenic trisulfide, As2S 3, a yellow mineral used as a pigment. 雌黄:三硫化砷,As2S 3,一种用以制颜料的黄色矿物 〔resin〕Any of numerous clear to translucent yellow or brown, solid or semisolid, viscous substances of plant origin, such as copal, rosin, and amber, used principally in lacquers, varnishes, inks, adhesives, synthetic plastics, and pharmaceuticals.树脂:一种源于植物的透明的黄色或棕色的固态或半固态的黏性物质,比如珂玛脂、松脂以及琥珀等,主要用于制漆、清漆、墨水、粘合剂、合成塑料以及药品〔neoarsphenamine〕A yellow powder, C13H 13As 2N 2NaO 4S, containing arsenic, formerly used in the treatment of syphilis and yaws. 新胂凡纳明:一种黄色粉末,C13H 13As 2N 2NaO 4S,含砷,以前用于治疗梅毒和雅司病 〔goldfinch〕A small Eurasian finch(Carduelis carduelis) having brownish plumage with black wings boldly marked with yellow and a red patch across the face. 红额金翅雀:一种小的欧亚大陆的雀鸟(红额金翅 雀属) 羽毛略带棕色,黑翼,特别醒目的是头前部有黄色或红色斑点 〔cherry〕The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants.樱桃:这些植物所结的黄色、红色或近于黑色的果实〔civet〕The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by one of these mammals, used in the manufacture of perfumes.香猫香,麝猫香:这些哺乳动物分泌的粘稠、黄色有麝香味的液体,用于香水的制作〔rockrose〕Any of various plants of the generaCistus or Helianthemum having small roselike yellow, white, or reddish flowers. 岩蔷薇,半日花:任何一种开类似玫瑰的黄色、白色或红色小花的岩蔷薇 或 半日花 属植物 〔carnotite〕A yellow ore of uranium and radium with composition K(UO2) 2(VO 4) 2·3H 2O. 钒钾铀矿:一种铀和镭混合的黄色矿床,K(UO2) 2(VO 4) 2·3H 2O 〔lutein〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found widely in nature, first isolated in corpus luteum but later discovered in body fats, egg yolk, and green plants; xanthophyll. 叶黄素:一种黄色的类似胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,大量存在于自然界中,最初从黄体素中分离出来,后在体内脂肪、蛋黄、绿色植物中也发现了它的存在;胡萝卜醇 〔titi〕A New World shrub or small tree(Cyrilla racemiflora) of warm swampy areas, having leathery leaves, yellow fruit, and white flowers in clustered racemes that are borne at the tip of the preceding season's growth. Also called leatherwood 沼泽草木:一种美洲灌木或小乔木,生长于的沼泽地带,叶子坚韧,有黄色果实,花为白色成长状花序,这种花序从前一个季节的生长物的尖端生出,(总状花序西里拉) 也作 leatherwood〔milium〕A small, white or yellowish cystlike mass just below the surface of the skin, caused by retention of the secretion of a sebaceous gland. Also called whitehead 粟粒疹:皮肤表皮下的一白色或黄色的囊状小包,由于腺体停止油腺分泌作用而引起 也作 whitehead〔stilbite〕A white or yellow lustrous zeolite mineral, essentially (Ca,Na)2Al 2Si 7O 18·7H 2O. 辉沸石:一种白色或黄色有光泽沸石,主要成分为(Ca,Na)2Al 2Si 7O 18·7H 2O 〔tritanopia〕A visual defect characterized by the inability to discern blue and yellow.蓝色盲,第三原色盲:具有不能区分黄色和蓝色的视觉缺陷〔calendula〕A Mediterranean annual plant(Calendula officinalis) in the composite family, widely cultivated for its showy, yellow or orange, rayed flower heads that were formerly used in medicine, coloring, and flavoring of food. Also called pot marigold 金盏花:一种地中海一年生菊科植物(金盏菊 金盏花属) ,因其艳丽的黄色或桔黄色放谢状花冠而广为栽培,以前主要用于制药、颜料和食品调味 也作 pot marigold〔calypso〕A terrestrial orchid(Calypso bulbosa) native to north temperate regions, having a rose-pink flower with an inflated pouchlike lip usually marked with white, purple, and yellow. 匙唇兰:一种原产于北温带的陆地兰科植物(布袋兰 布袋兰属) ,长有玫瑰红的花朵,花上带有常呈白色、紫色和黄色的充气袋状的花瓣 〔nipplewort〕A European annual plant(Lapsana communis) naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads. 稻搓菜:一种欧洲产的一年生植物(稻搓菜属 欧洲稻槎菜) ,移植到北美洲东部,有乳白色的汁液和黄色的小花头 〔citrine〕Middle English [reddish yellow] 中古英语 [泛红的黄色] 〔xanthophyll〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found with chlorophyll in green plants and identical with lutein. 叶黄素:一种黄色类胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,常见于绿色植物中的叶绿素和与此类似的黄体素中 〔yellowtail〕Any of several large marine game fishes of the genusSeriola, having a yellow or yellowish tail, such as S. dorsalis, of coastal waters of southern California and Mexico. 尾鲽带黄色的鱼:一种鰤 属的大型的供捕钓的食用鱼,有黄色或微黄的尾巴,如南加利福尼亚和墨西哥沿海水域中的 长背鰤 〔puccoon〕Any of several North American plants of the genusLithospermum, having orange or yellow flowers and roots that yield a red dye. 紫草:任一种产于北美的紫草 属植物,开橙色或黄色的花,并且其根部可以提炼一种红色染料 〔creosote〕A yellowish to greenish-brown oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative and disinfectant. It can cause severe neurological disturbances if inhaled in strong concentrations.杂酚油:一种含有酚混合物的黄色到绿棕色的油状液体,可通过煤焦油干馏而得,用作木材防腐剂和消毒剂。如在高浓度时被吸入可导致严重的神经紊乱〔trinitrobenzene〕A yellow crystalline compound, C6H 3(N 3O 2) 3, derived from trinitrotoluene and used as an explosive. 三硝基苯:一种黄色的结晶状化合物,C6H 3(N 3O 2) 3,从三硝基甲苯中提取,用于炸药 〔goldeneye〕Any of various lacewings of the family Chrysopidae having yellow or copper-colored eyes.金眼蝇:一种脉翅目的草蛉属的昆虫,具有黄色或古铜色眼睛〔beeswax〕The yellow to grayish-brown wax secreted by the honeybee for constructing honeycombs.蜂蜡:蜜蜂分泌的筑蜂巢的黄色到灰褐色物质〔beryl〕A transparent to translucent glassy mineral, essentially aluminum beryllium silicate, Be3Al 2Si 6O 18, occurring in hexagonal prisms and constituting the chief source of beryllium. Transparent varieties in white, green, blue, yellow, or pink are valued as gems. 绿玉:一种透明到半透明的玻璃状矿石,主要成分为硅酸铝铍,Be3Al 2Si 6O 18,呈六棱柱结构,是铍的主要来源。各种透明的白色、绿色、蓝色、黄色或粉色绿玉与宝石价值相当 〔colocynth〕A tendril-bearing Old World vine(Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons. 药西瓜:一种卷须状旧大陆藤本植物(药西瓜 西瓜属) ,结有黄色有绿色斑点小柠檬大小的果实 〔bedstraw〕Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genusGalium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems. Also called cleavers 猪殃殃:一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属 ,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎 也作 cleavers〔yolk〕from geolu [yellow] * see yellow 源自 geolu [黄色的] * 参见 yellow〔lemon〕The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp.柠檬(果):这种树的果实,有黄色芳香的外皮和多汁的酸果肉〔balsamroot〕Any of several western North American perennial herbs of the genusBalsamorhiza in the composite family, having radiate heads of yellow flowers. The large roots of some species were used as food by certain Native American peoples. 香胶根:一种北美洲西部多年生菊科香胶根属 草本植物,有黄色的辐射状头形花序。有些种类的庞大根系被某些美国印第安人用作食物 〔groundsel〕Any of various plants of the genusSenecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads. 千里光:多种千里光 属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序 〔sanicle〕Any of various plants of the genusSanicula, having usually compound leaves and compound umbels of small yellow, purple, or greenish flowers, formerly used as an astringent. 变豆菜属植物:任一种变豆菜属 的植物,通常生有复叶,开小的黄色、紫色或绿色花朵,有复状伞形花序,过去曾被用作收敛剂 〔medic〕Any of several Old World herbs of the genusMedicago in the pea family, having clusters of small, usually yellow flowers and compound leaves with three leaflets. Several species are important for fodder and green manure. 苜蓿属植物:产于东半球的豆科苜蓿属 草本植物,生有通常为黄色的小花簇和含三个叶片的复叶。此属中有几种植物是重要的饲料和绿色肥料




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