单词 | 鼻祖 |
释义 | 〔Gaboriau〕French writer who is considered a founder of the detective novel. His works includeMonsieur Lecoq (1868) and L'Argent des Autres (1874). 加博里欧,埃米尔:(1832?-1873) 法国作家,被视为侦探小说的鼻祖。作品包括《勒科克先生》 (1868年)和 《他人之财》 (1874年) 〔infant〕Anyone who has ever responded to the cries of a howling infantmay find it difficult to believe the etymology of the wordinfant. The source of our word is the Latin wordīnfāns (stem form, or form to which inflections are added, īnfant- ), meaning "a little child; strictly, one who does not yet speak.”The noun is from the adjectiveīnfāns, meaning "not having the power of speech" and "newly born"and made up of the negative prefixin- and the present participle fāns, "speaking,” of the verbfārī, "to speak.” Latinīnfāns and its Old French descendant enfant could both be used to refer to a speaking child, and the earliest recorded use (around 1384) of their Middle English descendantinfaunte, the ancestor of our word, is in the sense "child.”This use gave rise to our legal sense ofinfant, "a minor,” thus reminding us of individuals who can be very talkative indeed.只要是听过婴儿啼哭声的人,就难以相信infant 的词源是这样来的: 这个词的词源是拉丁文infans (派生形式,即加了词尾的变体, infant- ), 意思是“一个小孩子;严格地说,是指还不会说话的幼儿”。名词是由形容词infans 演化而来的, 它的意思是“不会说话的”“新生的”,由反义前缀in 和现在分词 fans “说话的”构成的, 其动词原形为fari 意思是“说话”。 拉丁字infans 及它的古法语派生字 enfant 都可以用来指会说话的幼儿; 它们的派生词、我们这个字的鼻祖是中古英语字infaunte ,其最早的记载约在1384年左右, 那时的意思是“儿童”。这样,我们这个字的法定意义infant “未成年人”就出现了; 这使我们想起那些十分健谈的人〔granddaddy〕the granddaddy of modern computers.现代计算机的鼻祖〔cynic〕A cynic may be pardoned for thinking that this is a dog's life.The Greek wordkunikos, from which cynic comes, was originally an adjective meaning "doglike,” fromkuōn, "dog.” The word was most likely applied to the Cynic philosophers because of the nicknamekuōn given to Diogenes of Sinope, the prototypical Cynic. He is said to have performed such actions as barking in public, urinating on the leg of a table, and masturbating on the street.The first use of the word recorded in English, in a work published from 1547 to 1564, is in the plural for members of this philosophical sect.In 1596 we find the first instance ofcynic meaning "faultfinder,” a sense that was to develop into our modern sense.The meaning "faultfinder" came naturally from the behavior of countless Cynics who in their pursuit of virtue pointed out the flaws in others.Such faultfinding could lead quite naturally to the belief associated with cynics of today that selfishness determines human behavior.犬儒学派成员因认为这是狗的生命而可能被赦免。希腊词kunikos 是 cynic 的来源, 最初为形容词,意思是“似狗”,源自kuon “狗”,。 这个词最适用于犬儒派哲学家,因为给犬儒主义者的鼻祖的绰号是kuon 。 据说他曾经当众吼叫,在桌腿上小便,并且在街上手淫。这个词在一本1547到1564年出版的著作里首次用英语记录下来的用法是,用作复数来指代此哲学学派的成员。1596年,我们发现cynic 的第一个意思是吹毛求疵的人的例子, 也是发展成具有我们现代意义的含义。 “吹毛吹疵的人”这个意思是从无数个以追求指摘别人缺点为美德的犬儒主义者的行为而得来。这种指摘很自然地得出与现在的犬儒主义相联系的信仰,认为自私自利决定人类行为 |
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