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单词 slip
释义 slip 1 AHD[slĭp] D.J.[slɪp]K.K.[slɪp]v.(动词)slipped,, slips v.intr.(不及物动词)
    1. To move smoothly, easily, and quietly:滑进:平稳地、轻松地、安静地移动:slipped into bed.溜上了床
    2. To move stealthily; steal.偷偷地移动;偷窃
    1. To pass gradually, easily, or imperceptibly:神不知鬼不觉的过去:逐渐地、流利地或不易被发觉地通过:"It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by"(Vita Sackville-West)“如果日子不是这样空虚地流逝,很有必要写一写”(维塔·萨克威尔韦斯特)
    1. To slide involuntarily and lose one's balance or foothold.See Synonyms at slide 失去平衡,失足:非自愿地滑动而且失去平衡或立足点 参见 slide
    2. To slide out of place; shift position:滑出位置;转换位置:The gear slipped.齿轮滑脱了
    1. To escape, as from a grasp, fastening, or restraint:逃脱:从掌握、束缚或限制中逃脱:slipped away from his pursuers.从他的追逐者那里逃脱
    1. To decline from a former or standard level; fall off.下跌,滑落:从以前的或正常的水平下降;跌落
    1. To fall behind a scheduled production rate.落后:落后于原计划的生产速度
    1. To fall into fault or error.犯过失,出错及物动词)
    1. To cause to move in a smooth, easy, or sliding motion:使顺利滑动:使…以平稳、轻松或滑行的动作移动:slipped the bolt into place.把插销滑到位
    1. To place or insert smoothly and quietly.使容易的放入:平稳地、安静地放置或插入
    1. To put on or remove (clothing) easily or quickly:轻易的穿脱(衣物):容易地或迅速地穿上或脱下(衣服):slip on a sweater; slipped off her shoes.穿上一件羊毛衫;脱下她的鞋
    1. To get loose or free from; elude.摆脱,逃避:从…松开或免于…;逃避
    1. To bring forth (young) prematurely. Used of animals.早产:早产(幼崽)。用于动作
    1. To unleash or free (a dog or hawk) to pursue game.放开:解开或放开(狗或鹰)去追赶猎物
    1. To release, loose, or unfasten:放松,松开,解开:slip a knot.解开一个绳结
    1. To dislocate (a bone).使(骨头)错位
    1. To pass (a knitting stitch) from one needle to another without knitting it.漏针:换针时漏掉(一针)
    1. The act or an instance of slipping or sliding.跌倒:溜或滑的动作或事
    1. An accident or a mishap, especially a falling down.失足:事故或意外,尤指坠落
    1. An error in conduct or thinking; a mistake.失误,错误:行动或思想上的错误;错误
    2. A slight error or oversight, as in speech or writing:口误,笔误:(谈话或写作中的)小错误或疏忽:a slip of the tongue.口误
    1. Nautical 【航海】
    1. A docking place for a ship between two piers.停泊处:两座栈桥之间船的泊地
    2. A slipway.船架
    1. Nautical The difference between a vessel's actual speed through water and the speed at which the vessel would move if the screw were propelling against a solid.【航海】 差异:船只在水中的实际航行速度和假如螺旋浆在固体中推动船只的移动速度之间的差异
    1. A woman's undergarment of dress length, suspended from shoulder straps.女用连身衬衣:妇女穿的内衣,长度及一条裙子,从肩部的带子垂下
    2. A half-slip.衬裙
    1. A pillowcase.枕套
    1. Geology 【地质学】
    1. A smooth crack at which rock strata have moved on each other.平滑裂隙:一种平滑的裂缝,岩层沿其错开
    2. A small fault.小断层
    3. The relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault.位移:以前相邻的两个点在一个断层的两侧的相对错位
    1. The difference between optimal and actual output in a mechanical device.差异:机械设备的理想输出与实际输出之间的差异
    1. Movement between two parts where none should exist, as between a pulley and a两个部件之间不该有的运动,如滑轮和皮带之间
    1. A sideways movement of an airplane when banked too far.斜向移动:飞机倾斜着飞得太远时造成的侧向运动
Idioms习惯用语give (someone) the slip【俚语】
  1. To escape the pursuit of.逃脱…的追逐
let slip
  1. To say inadvertently.出于无心地说出
slip one over on【非正式用语】
  1. To hoodwink; trick.蒙蔽;欺骗
    1. Middle English slippen 中古英语 slippen
    1. [probably of Middle Low German or Middle Dutch origin] * see lei- [可能源于低地德语或中世纪荷兰语的] * 参见 lei-

slip 2 AHD[slĭp] D.J.[slɪp]K.K.[slɪp]n.(名词)
    1. A part of a plant cut or broken off for grafting or planting; a scion or cutting.插条:切下来或折下来用于嫁接或种植的植物部分;接穗或插条
    1. A long, narrow piece; a strip.长而窄的一段;一条
    1. A slender, youthful person:纤弱,年轻的人:a slip of a child.瘦高的孩子
    1. A small piece of paper, especially a small form, document, or receipt:传条,便条纸:一小片纸,尤指一份小表格、文件或收据:a deposit slip; a sales slip.存款单;收据
    1. A narrow pew in a church.教堂长条板凳:教堂里狭窄的靠背长椅及物动词)slipped,, slips
  1. To make a slip from (a plant or plant part).从…剪取插条:从(植物或植物一部分上)取下一根插条
    1. Probably from Middle Low German 可能源自 中古低地德语
    1. or Middle Dutch slippe 或 中古荷兰语 slippe

slip 3 AHD[slĭp] D.J.[slɪp]K.K.[slɪp]n.(名词)
  1. Thinned potter's clay used for decorating or coating ceramics.泥釉:稀释了的陶工用粘土,用作装饰陶器或作陶器涂层
    1. Middle English [slime] 中古英语 [粘土]
    1. from Old English slypa * see sleubh- 源自 古英语 slypa * 参见 sleubh-




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