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单词 cartridge
释义 car·tridge AHD[kärʹtrĭj] D.J.[ˈkɑːtrɪdʒ]K.K.[ˈkɑrtrɪdʒ]n.(名词)
    1. A cylindrical, usually metal casing containing the primer and charge of ammunition for firearms.弹药筒:一种盛装火器的雷管和弹药的圆柱形金属筒
    2. Such a casing fitted with a bullet.子弹筒:装有子弹的弹药筒
    3. A similar piece of ammunition, such as a shotgun shell.类似的弹药,如猎枪子弹
    1. A case filled with high explosives, used in blasting.炸药箱:装满高爆炸药而用于爆破的箱
    1. A small modular unit designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment:模块:设计成可被插入一个大型设备里的小型模块:an ink cartridge; a disposable cartridge of caulking compound.油墨块;可弃式填塞物
    1. A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup.唱头:留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子
    1. A case containing magnetic tape in a reel; a cassette.盘式磁带,卡带:卷盘中装有磁带的盒子;卡式磁带
    2. A case containing a ribbon in a spool, for use in printers and electric typewriters.色带盒:用于打印机和电动打字机中,卷轴中装有色带的盒子
    1. A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera.暗盒:可直接装入照相机中,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子
    1. Alteration of earlier cartage 较早期 cartage的变化
    1. alteration of French cartouche 法语 cartouche的变化
    1. from Italian cartuccio 源自 意大利语 cartuccio
    1. variant of cartoccio [roll of paper] * see cartouche cartoccio的变体 [纸卷] * 参见 cartouche




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