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单词 residue
释义 res·i·due AHD[rĕzʹĭ-do͞o”, -dyo͞o”] D.J.[ˈrezɪˌduː, -ˌdjuː]K.K.[ˈrɛzɪˌdu, -ˌdju]n.(名词)
    1. The remainder of something after removal of parts or a part.See Synonyms at remainder 残留物:被去掉某些或某一部分的某物的剩余部分 参见 remainder
    1. Matter remaining after completion of an abstractive chemical or physical process, such as evaporation, combustion, distillation, or filtration; residuum.残渣:在诸如蒸发、燃烧、蒸馏或过滤等抽象的化学或物理变化过程结束后留下来的物质或残渣;残油
    1. Law The remainder of a testator's estate after all claims, debts, and bequests are satisfied. Also called In this sense, also called residuum 【法律】 剩余遗产:扣除所有的赔款、债款以及遗赠后的某个遗嘱人的财产的剩余部分 也作 在此意义上也可称作 residuum
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old French residu 源自 古法语 residu
    1. from Latin residuum [neuter of] residuus [remaining] 源自 拉丁语 residuum residuus的中性 [余留的]
    1. from residēre [to remain behind] * see reside 源自 residēre [留下来] * 参见 reside




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