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单词 temerity
释义 te·mer·i·ty AHD[tə-mĕrʹĭ-tē] D.J.[təˈmerɪtiː]K.K.[təˈmɛrɪti]n.(名词)
  1. Foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness.鲁莽:不考虑危险的愚蠢行为;鲁莽
    1. Middle English temerite 中古英语 temerite
    1. from Old French 源自 古法语
    1. from Latin temeritās 源自 拉丁语 temeritās
    1. from temere [rashly] 源自 temere [鲁莽的]
References参考词汇temerity, audacity, effrontery, nerve, cheek, gall
    1. These nouns refer to striking, often aggressive boldness.这些名词都指令人震惊的,常常是咄咄逼人的冒失。
    1. Temerity implies a foolhardy flouting of danger: Temerity 暗指对危险有勇无谋的轻视: Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity.不排练而直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是鲁莽的。
    1. Audacity suggests heedlessness of the restraints imposed by prudence, propriety, or convention: Audacity 暗示对谨慎、礼貌或社会习俗的约束置之不理: "In war nothing is impossible, provided you use audacity" (George S. Patton). “战争中没有什么事情是不可能的,只要你有胆识” (乔治·S·巴顿)。
    1. Effrontery andnerve denote impudent, arrogant, or shameless boldness: Effronterynerve 表示不谨慎的、狂妄自大的或无耻的大胆: He had the effrontery to suggest that she enjoyed being unhappy.他无耻地大胆暗示,她喜欢不幸。A raise? When your work is so slipshod?提升?当你工作这么马马虎虎的时候?You do have a nerve! 你确实 够胆大的了!
    1. Cheek connotes cool impertinence and brashness: Cheek 表示冷淡的傲慢和鲁莽: Do you really have the cheek to insult your hosts?你真有胆子侮辱你的主人们?
    1. Gall suggests brazenness and unconscionable insolence: Gall 暗示厚颜无耻和无意识傲慢: With unmitigated gall he crashed the partyand then criticized the food. 他既傲慢又鲁莽地冲进晚会,然后把食品指责了一番




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