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单词 develop
释义 de·vel·op AHD[dĭ-vĕlʹəp] D.J.[dɪˈveləp]K.K.[dɪˈvɛləp]v.(动词)de.vel.oped,, de.vel.ops及物动词)
    1. To bring from latency to or toward fulfillment:开发:把潜在的因素引向完善:an instructor who develops the capabilities of each student.激发每个学生潜能的导师
    1. To expand or enlarge:扩展,使变大:developed a national corporation into a worldwide business.把国内企业扩展成世界性的企业
    2. To aid in the growth of; strengthen:强化,加强:帮助成长;加强:exercises that develop muscles.运动促进肌肉生长
    3. To improve the quality of; refine:改良,增进:提高质量;精炼:develops his recipes to perfection; an extra year of study to develop virtuosic technique.改良烹调变得更完善;多学一年以便进一步提高鉴赏能力
    1. To cause to become more complex or intricate; add detail and fullness to; elaborate:使复杂:使变得更加复杂;增加细节;使变得复杂:began with a good premise but developed it without imagination.由一个好的前提开始,却由于毫无想象力而将其变得越来越复杂
    2. Music To elaborate (a theme) with rhythmic and harmonic variations.【音乐】 使主题音乐繁复变调:用有节奏的和谐的变化使(弦律)更加精妙
    1. To bring into being gradually:逐渐形成:develop a new cottage industry.逐渐形成新的家庭手工业
    2. To set forth or clarify by degrees:逐步提出,逐步阐明:developed her thesis in a series of articles.用一系列文章逐渐阐明她的论文
    1. To come to have gradually; acquire:逐渐拥有;获得:develop a taste for opera; develop a friendship.培养对歌剧的鉴赏力;发展友谊
    2. To become affected with; contract:感染;受…传染:developed a rash; developed agoraphobia.传染上了皮疹;传染上旷野恐惧症
    1. To cause gradually to acquire a specific role, function, or form, as:逐渐获得:使逐渐获得某一特定的地位、功能或形式,例如:
    1. To influence the behavior of toward a specific end:影响:朝着某一特定目标的影响行为:an investigator who develops witnesses through flattery and intimidation.调查员利用恭维和恐吓来影响证人
    2. To cause (a tract of land) to serve a particular purpose:开发利用土地:使(一块土地)为特定的目的服务:developed the site as a community of condominiums.将这个地方建设成一个共同管辖的社区
    3. To make available and effective to fulfill a particular end or need:使有用:为满足某个特定的目的或需要而使…有用,使…有效:develop the state's water resources to serve a growing population.发展该州的水资源以满足不断增长的人口的需求
    4. To convert or transform:转换,转变:developed the play into a movie.把戏剧改编成电影
    1. Games To move (a chess piece) to or toward a more strategic position.【游戏】 将棋子移自有利位置:朝某个更具战略性的位置移动(棋子)
    1. To process (a photosensitive material), especially with chemicals, in order to render a recorded image visible.洗相:为了使记录的图象可见,可处理(光敏物质),尤指用化学物质处理
    2. To render (an image) visible by this means.使显影:通过洗相使(图象)可见
    1. To grow by degrees into a more advanced or mature state:发展成熟:按阶段向更高级或更成熟的状态生长:With hard work, she developed into a great writer.See Synonyms at mature 经过艰苦地工作,她成为一位伟大的作家 参见 mature
    2. To increase or expand.增长,扩展
    3. To improve; advance:提高;发展:Their skill developed until it rivaled their teacher's.他们的技艺不断增长,最后,可以与他们的师傅相匹敌了
    1. To come gradually into existence or activity:逐渐形成:逐渐出现,逐渐被激发:Tension developed between students and faculty.学生和教职员工之间关系逐渐紧张起来
    1. To come gradually to light; be disclosed:暴露:逐渐显示出来;被揭露:reports the news as it develops.跟踪报道新闻
    1. Biology 【生物学】
    1. To progress from earlier to later stages of a life cycle:进化:从生命周期的早期阶段发展到后期阶段:Caterpillars develop into butterflies.毛虫进化成蝴蝶
    2. To progress from earlier to later or from simpler to more complex stages of evolution.进化:从进化阶段的早期到末期或从简单到复杂的发展过程
    1. French développer 法语 développer
    1. from Old French desveloper 源自 古法语 desveloper
    1. des- [dis-] des- [前缀,表“不,没有”]
    1. voloper [to wrap] [possibly of Celtic origin] voloper [把…包起来] [可能源于塞尔特语]
Related Forms继承用法develʹopable adj.(形容词)




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