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dirt·y AHD[dûrʹtē] D.J.[ˈdɜːtiː]K.K.[ˈdɝti]adj.(形容词)dirt.i.er, dirt.i.est - Soiled, as with dirt; unclean.带泥土的;不干净的
- Spreading dirt; polluting:灰尘遍布的;污染的:The air near the foundry was always dirty.铸造厂附近的空气总是灰蒙蒙的
- Apt to soil with dirt or grime:污秽的:易被泥土弄脏的或污垢的:a dirty job at the garage.车库的脏活
- Squalid or filthy; run-down:肮脏的,龌龊的;污秽的:dirty slums.脏乱的贫民窟
- Obscene or indecent:下流的,猥亵的:dirty movies; a dirty joke.黄色电影;下流玩笑
- Malicious or scandalous:恶意的,诽谤的:a dirty lie.恶意的谎言
- Unethical or corrupt; sordid:不道德的,腐败的;肮脏的:dirty politics.腐败的政治
- Not sportsmanlike:无运动家精神的:dirty players; a dirty fighter.无运动家精神的球员;不讲体育道德的拳击手
- Acquired by illicit or improper means:不正当的,非法取得的:以非法或不恰当的方式获得的:dirty money.不义之财
- Slang Possessing or using illegal drugs.【俚语】 拥有或使用非法药品的
- Unpleasant or distasteful; thankless:令人不愉快的,令人厌恶的;吃力不讨好的:Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job.解雇工人是这件工作中令人讨厌的地方
- Extremely unfortunate or regrettable:非常不幸的,十分遗憾的:a dirty shame.真丢脸
- Expressing disapproval or hostility:反对的,有敌意的:gave us a dirty look.恶狠狠地看了我们一眼
- Not bright and clear in color; somewhat dull or drab. Often used in combination:不鲜明的,不纯净的:色彩不鲜明的和不纯净的;略显暗淡的,略显单调的。常用于合成词:dirty-blonde hair; dirty-green walls.灰脏的金发;暗绿色的墙
- Producing a very great amount of long-lived radioactive fallout. Used of nuclear weapons.产生大量辐射微尘的:产生大量的长期放射性下降物的。用于核武器
- Stormy; rough:狂风暴雨的;粗暴的:dirty weather.狂风暴雨的天气
v.(动词)dirt.ied, dirt.y.ing, dirt.ies v.tr.(及物动词)- To make soiled.弄脏,污染
- To stain or tarnish with dishonor.使名声受玷污
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To become soiled.变脏,污染
dirtʹily adv.(副词)dirtʹiness n.(名词)dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid, grimy- These adjectives apply to what is unclean, impure, or unkempt.这些形容词都用于指不干净、不纯净或邋遢的东西。
- Dirty, the most general, describes what is covered or stained with dirt: Dirty 最常用,描述覆有泥土污垢或被玷污的东西; dirty clothes;脏衣服;dirty feet;脏脚;dirty sidewalks. Something that is 肮脏的人行道。
- filthy is disgustingly dirty: filthy 指脏得令人作呕的东西: filthy rags;极脏的破布;a room as filthy as a pigsty.脏如猪圈的屋子。
- Foul suggests gross offensiveness, particularly to the sense of smell: Foul 表示极为讨厌,尤其指气味; a foul exudation;难闻的渗出物;a foul pond.恶臭的池塘。
- Nasty can refer to what is unpleasant because of the presence of dirt ( Nasty 可指由于污垢的存在而令人不快( Scrubbing bathrooms is a nasty job) but is often applied to what is merely annoying or unpleasant ( 擦洗浴室是一件令人生厌的工作)。 但常用于只令人厌烦或感到不快的事物( nasty ideas;下流的想法:a nasty trick). 卑鄙的诡计)。
- Squalid suggests dirtiness, wretchedness, and sordidness: Squalid 表示肮脏、鄙陋和污秽; lived in a squalid apartment.过去生活在脏乱的房间。
- Grimy describes something whose surface is smudged with dirt such as grime or soot: Grimy 描述某物表面由于污垢弄脏,如污垢或煤灰: grimy hands. 满是污垢的双手