释义 |
am·phip·ro·style AHD[ăm-fĭpʹrō-stīl', ăm'fĭ-prōʹstīl'] D.J.[æmˈfɪprəʊˌstaɪl, ˌæmfɪˈprəʊˌstaɪl]K.K.[æmˈfɪproˌstaɪl, ˌæmfɪˈproˌstaɪl]adj.Architecture(形容词)【建筑学】 plan of the Temple of Athena Nike at the Acropolis, AthensClarinda/Academy Artworks- Having a prostyle or set of columns at each end but none along the sides.两向拜式的:建筑物前后有柱而两边没有柱的
- Latin amphiprostȳlos 拉丁语 amphiprostȳlos
- from Greek amphiprostulos 源自 希腊语 amphiprostulos
- amphi- [amphi-] amphi- [前缀,表“两边的”]
- prostulos [with pillars in front] * see prostyle prostulos [前面有石柱的] * 参见 prostyle
amphipʹrostyle' n.(名词) |