符号 |
符號 | 英文 | 中文 |
@ | At sign, at (Commercial at) | At 符號,at (小老鼠、蝸牛) | & | Ampersand, And | 和,兼,及 | ` | Backquote, Grave accent | 重音符,抑音符 | ! | Exclamation mark (英式), Exclamation point (美式) | 感歎號,驚歎號,嘆號 | # | Number sign (Pound sign) | 數字符,井號 | $ | Money, Dollar sign | 金錢符號 | % | Percent | 百分比 | ‰ | Permille | 千分比 | ^ | Caret, Circumflex | 插入號,插入符,脫字號,脫字符 | * | Asterisk, Multiply, Star, Pointer | 星號,米字號,乘號,星,指針 | ( | Open/Left parenthesis, Open/Left paren | 左括號,左圓括號,左括弧,左圓括弧 | ) | Close/Right parenthesis, Close/Right paren | 右括號,右圓括號,右括弧,右圓括弧 | - | Hyphen, Minus sign | 一橫,一槓,連字號,減號 | -- | Dash | 破折號 | _ | Underline, Underscore | 底線,下劃線 | = | Equal | 等於 | + | Plus | 加號 | [ | Open/Left bracket | 左方括弧,左中括弧,左方括號,左中括號 | ] | Close/Right bracket | 右方括弧,右中括弧,右方括號,右中括號 | { | Open/Left brace, Open/Left curly | 左大括孤,左花括弧,左大括號,左花括號 | } | Close/Right brace, Close/Right curly | 右大括孤,右花括弧,右大括號,右花括號 | ~ | Tilde | 取代符號,波浪號,波浪符(毛毛蟲、飄、蛇仔、蚯蚓) | \ | Backslash | 反斜線 | / | Slash, Divide, Oblique | 斜線,斜杠,除號 | // | Double slash, Comment | 雙斜線,註釋符 | ; | Semicolon | 分號 | : | Colon | 冒號 | | | Vertical bar, Pipe, Broken vertical bar | 垂直線,豎線 | < | Less than | 小於 | > | Greater than | 大於 | ' | Single quote, Apostrophe | 單引號,撇號 | " | Quote, Quotation marks | 雙引號 | , | Comma | 逗號 | . | Period, Dot, Full stop | 句號,點 | ... | Ellipsis, Dots | 省略號,點點點 | ? | Question mark | 問號 | ? (?!) | Interrobang | 疑問驚嘆號 | ± | Plus or Minus | 正負號 | × | Multiplied | 乘號 | ÷ | Divided | 除號 | ≈ | Is approximately equal to | 約等於號 | ≌ | Is equal to, Approximately equal to | 等於號,約等於號 | ≡ | Is equivalent to | 全等於號 | ≠ | Inequality, Is not equal to | 不等號 | ≮ | Is not less than | 不小於號 | ≯ | Is not more than | 不大於號 | ≤ | Is less than or equal to | 小於或等於號 | ≥ | Is more than or equal to | 大於或等於號 | ∞ | Infinity | 無限大 | ∝ | Varies as | 成正比 | ♂ | Male | 男性 | ♀ | Female | 女性 | ′ | Minute | 分 | ″ | Second | 秒 | ° | Degree | 度 | ºC | Celsius | 攝氏度 | ºF | Degrees fahrenheit | 華氏度 | ∵ | Since, Because | 因為 | ∴ | Hence | 所以 | ∷ | Equals, as (Proportion) | 等於,成比例 | √ | Square root | 平方根 | ∠ | Angle | 角 | ⌒ | Semicircle | 半圓 | ⊙ | Circle | 圓 | ? | Circumference | 圓周 | π | Pi | 圓周率 | △ | Triangle | 三角形 | ⊥ | Perpendicular to | 垂直於 | ∪ | Union of | 並,合集 | ∩ | Intersection of | 交,通集 | ∫ | Integral symbol | 積分符號 | ∑ | Summation of(sigma) | 總和(大寫Σ) | σ | Summation of(sigma) | 總和(小寫σ) | ς | Summation of(Final sigma) | 總和(小寫ς) | ‖ | Parallel | 雙線號 | ~ | Swung dash | 代字號 | § | Section, Division | 分節號 | ※ | Footnote | 參考標記,腳註 | ¤ | Currency sign (typography) | 國際通貨記號 | © | Copyright symbol | 版權符號 | ® | Registered trademark | 註冊商標符號 | ? | Sound recording copyright | 錄音版權符號 | ? | Service mark | 服務商標 | ™ | Trademark symbol | 商標符號 | → | Arrow | 參見號 | ↑↓←→ | Up/Down/Left/Right arrow | 上下左右箭咀,箭頭 | ↖↗↘↙ | Angled arrow | 斜角箭咀,箭頭 |