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单词 伯克
释义 〔obedient〕"The obedient colonies in this scheme are heavily taxed;the refractory remain unburdened" (Edmund Burke).One who isbiddable follows directions or obeys commands: “这一体系中顺从的殖民地赋税很重;难以控制的殖民地没有负担” (埃德蒙·伯克)。一个briddable 的人服从命令或听从指挥: 〔mood〕"All which had been done . . . was the effect not of humor, but of system" (Edmund Burke).“所有已经做过的…不是情绪而是制度的结果” (爱德蒙·伯克)。〔quicksilver〕"a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next"(Sven Birkerts)“一个性情多变的人物,有时冷漠任性,而一会儿则变得很脆弱”(斯文·伯克斯)〔limit〕"Liberty, too, must be limited in order to be possessed" (Edmund Burke).Torestrict is to keep within prescribed limits, as of choice or action: “为了维护自由,自由同样要受到限制 (埃德蒙·伯克)。Restrict 指保持在规定的范围内, 如选择或行动: 〔hateful〕"consequences odious to those you govern" (Edmund Burke).“对你统治的那些人来说的一种可憎的结局” (埃德蒙得·伯克)。〔burke〕After William Burke (1792-1829), Irish-born grave robber and murderer 源自威廉姆 伯克 (1792-1829年),爱尔兰裔盗墓者和谋杀犯 〔mind〕"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear" (Edmund Burke).“没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力” (埃德蒙·伯克)。〔mysterious〕 "It is not for me to attempt to fathom the inscrutable workings of Providence" (Earl of Birkenhead).“我并不想明白上帝神秘工作的义务” (伯克黑德中的厄尔)〔none〕It is true thatnone is etymologically derived from the Old English word ān, "one,” but the word has been used as both a singular and a plural noun from Old English onward.The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible, Dryden, and Burke;and H.W. Fowler described the traditional rule as "a mistake.”Either a singular or a plural verb is acceptably used in a sentencesuch asNone of the conspirators has (or have ) been brought to trial. Whennone is modified by almost, however, it is difficult to avoid treating the word as a plural: 事实是这样的:none 根据词源学来自于古英语词汇 an “一,” 但是此词从古英语开始既被用作单数名词,又被用作复数名词形式。复数用法可以在规范的原始资料如詹姆士圣经、德莱顿以及伯克的作品中发现。H·W·福勒把传统的规则描述为“一个错误”。无论是单数还是复数动词均可以被接受用于句子中,如所有的同谋者都未 (或者 have ) 被送审。 然而当none 被 almost 修饰时, 很难避免将此词当作复数: 〔saying〕"For a wise man, he seemed to me . . . to be governed too much by general maxims" (Edmund Burke).“在我看来,一个明智的人似乎过于被普遍公理束缚了” (埃德蒙·伯克)。〔scarcity〕"Having looked to Government for bread, on the first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them"(Edmund Burke)“他们依靠政府给予面包,稍有不足他们将转身撕咬那只曾抚养他们的手”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔rise〕"Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soar" (Edmund Burke).Totower is to attain a height or prominence exceeding that of anything in the surroundings: “世人皆知,抱负既能飞腾也能爬行” (爱德蒙·伯克)。Tower 表示获得超出周围任何物体的高度或声望: 〔scheme〕"Your scheme yields no revenue; it yields nothing but discontent, disorder, disobedience"(Edmund Burke)“你的计划不切实际;反而带来不满、混乱和反抗”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔interfere〕"wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling" (Edmund Burke).It is somewhat weaker thaninterfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: “对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知” (埃德豪·伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比interfere 要弱: 〔passion〕"an ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame" (Edmund Burke). “一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望” (埃德蒙·伯克)。 〔aggregate〕"An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head"(Edmund Burke)“帝国是具有共同首脑的多个国家的总和”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔rival〕"His ambition led him to rival the career of Edmund Burke" (Henry Adams).Tocompete is to contend with another or others to attain a goal, as gaining an advantage, victory in a contest, or a prize: “他的抱负致使他超越了爱德蒙·伯克的事业” (亨利·亚当斯)。Compete 指为了达到某一目标,如为取得优势、在竞赛中取得胜利或获奖,而与另一个人或其他人竞争: 〔join〕"When bad men combine, the good must associate" (Edmund Burke).“在坏人勾结起来时,好人必须联合起来” (爱德蒙·伯克)。〔prevailing〕"The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance: it is the dissidence of dissent" (Edmund Burke).“北方殖民地普遍的宗教是对拒绝原则的巧妙的改进:它是对持不同意见人的异议” (爱德蒙德·伯克)。〔patience〕"Our patience will achieve more than our force" (Edmund Burke). “我们的耐力会远胜于我们的力量所能达到的” (埃德蒙德·伯克)。 〔see〕"I plainly perceive [that] some objections remain" (Edmund Burke). “我明白地看到[连接词] 还有一些反对者” (埃德蒙·伯克)。 〔effusion〕"the devout effusions of sacred eloquence"(Edmund Burke)“圣语倾泻而出”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔mean〕"that liberal obedience, without which your army would be a base rabble" (Edmund Burke).“那心甘情愿的服从;如果没有它,你们的军队将是一群卑鄙的乌合之众” (爱德蒙·伯克)。〔Burke〕American actress who appeared frequently with John Drew and made numerous motion pictues, includingThe Wizard of Oz (1939). 伯克,比利:(1886-1970) 美国女演员,经常同约翰·德鲁同台演出,拍摄过多部影片,其中包括《绿野仙踪》 (1939年) 〔Burke〕Irish-born British politician and writer. Famous for his oratory, he pleaded the cause of the American colonists in Parliament and was instrumental in developing the notions of party responsibility and a loyal opposition within the parliamentary system. His major work,Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), voices his opposition to the excesses of the French experience. 伯克,埃德蒙:(1729-1797) 爱尔兰裔的英国政治家和作家。以其演讲而著名,他为国会中的美国殖民者辩护,并且发展了政党责任这一名词的解释,并在国会中与皇室对立。主要作品《关于法国革命的感想》 (1790年),表达了他对法国经历的暴行的反对立场 〔sarcastic〕"a deserved reputation for sarcastic, acerbic and uninhibited polemics" (Burke Marshall).“他的臭名应该得到极为讽刺的、尖酸的和无限制的攻击” (伯克·马歇尔)。〔potent〕"The police were potent only so long as they were feared"(Thomas Burke)“只有当他们害怕时,警察才是有权力的”(托马斯·伯克)〔sensible〕"I am sensible that a good deal more is still to be done"(Edmund Burke)See Synonyms at aware “我认识到还有许多事情要做”(埃德蒙·伯克) 参见 aware〔ambitious〕"I am not ambitious of ridicule"(Edmund Burke)“我并不想受人嘲弄”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔perform〕"To execute laws is a royal office;to execute orders is not to be a king" (Edmund Burke). “执行法律是项神圣的工作;执行命令不能成为国王” (埃蒙德·伯克)。 〔ennoble〕"that chastity of honor . . . which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil"(Edmund Burke)“那荣誉的贞洁使它所接触的一切都更尊敬,而在此贞洁之下便是邪恶本身也会失去它一半的罪恶”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔support〕"The Declaration of Right upheld the principle of hereditary monarchy" (Edmund Burke).“权利宣言坚持继承主权原则” (爱德蒙·伯克)。〔freedom〕"the intolerable license with which the newspapers break . . . the rules of decorum" (Edmund Burke). “被报纸利用来破坏文学准则的令人难忍受的破格” (爱德蒙·伯克〔Burk〕American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing, she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider.伯克,马莎·简:(1852?-1903) 美国女拓荒者和西部的传奇人物。她经常身着男装,被认为是一位神枪手和技艺高超的骑手〔opponent〕"He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill.Our antagonist is our helper" (Edmund Burke).See also Synonyms at enemy “和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。我们的对手是我们的救星” (埃德蒙·伯克) 参见同义词 enemy




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