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释义 〔effect〕The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.灯光效果强调出这出戏残酷无情的气氛〔turn〕The play turned the audience off.这出戏让观众很倒味〔hopefully〕Writers who usehopefully as a sentence adverb, as inHopefully the measures will be adopted, should be aware that the usage is unacceptable to many critics,including a large majority of the Usage Panel.But it is not easy to explain why critics dislike this use ofhopefully. It is justified by analogy to the unexceptionable uses of many other adverbs,as inMercifully, the play was brief or 当作者们把hopefully 用作句中副词, 如在但愿这些措施能被采用 中时, 应当意识到很多批评家并不接受这一用法,其中包括用法专题小组的大多数成员。但是批评家们为什么不喜欢hopefully 的这个用法却并不容易解释。 与许多其他副词无可指摘的使用进行类比,它有着充分正当的理由,比如幸好,这出戏很短 或 〔feature〕The play featured two well-known actors.这出戏有两位著名的演员〔cop〕a show that copped four awards; copped a ticket to the game.这出戏获得四项大奖;赢得一张观看比赛的票〔provoke〕The play is bound to fail; the plot excites little interest or curiosity. Tostimulate is to excite to activity or to renewed vigor of action as if by spurring or goading: 这出戏注定失败;情节激不起观众半点兴趣和好奇心。 Stimulate 指似乎用马刺或木刺驱赶一样激起活力或使行动重新充满活力:




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