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单词 心跳
释义 〔fail〕The patient's heart failed.病人的心跳减弱〔automatism〕The involuntary functioning of an organ or other body structure that is not under conscious control, such as the beating of the heart or the dilation of the pupil of the eye.自动作用:身体器官或其它结构不受意识控制的,自动的功能,如心跳或瞳孔放大〔tachyarrhythmia〕An excessively rapid heartbeat accompanied by arrhythmia.伴有心律不齐的过快的心跳〔heartthrob〕A pulsation of the heart; a heartbeat.心脏的跳动;心跳〔ballistocardiograph〕A device used to determine the volume of blood passing through the heart in a specific period of time and the force of cardiac contraction by measuring the body's recoil as blood is ejected from the ventricles with each heartbeat.心脏射出容量描计器:通过对每一次心跳从心室射出的血液产生的对身体的反弹,来测定在一指定时间内通过心脏的血流量和心脏收缩力的仪器〔defibrillator〕An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock.自动减颤器:通过短暂简单的电击缓解心的纤颤,并使其恢复正常的心跳的一种带电装置〔contemporary〕The animal uttered a series of low cries that seemed synchronous with its heartbeat.这只野兽发出一连串似乎与它的心跳频率一致的低吼声。〔cardioaccelerator〕An agent, such as a drug, that increases the heart rate.心动加速剂:一种增加心跳速率的手段,如药物〔bradycardia〕Slowness of the heart rate, usually fewer than 60 beats per minute in an adult human being.心搏缓慢:心律缓慢,通常指成人心跳低于60次每分钟〔arrhythmia〕An irregularity in the force or rhythm of the heartbeat.心律失常:不规则的心跳强度或节奏〔tachycardia〕A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult.心动过速:心跳频率过快症状,尤指一个成人每分钟一百次以上的心跳〔palpitation〕Irregular, rapid beating or pulsation of the heart.心脏急速跳动:规则的,快速的心跳或心脏的博动〔asphyxia〕sphuxis [heartbeat] from sphuzein sphug- [to throb] sphuxis [心跳] 源自 sphuzein sphug- [搏动] 〔polygraph〕An instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration, often used as a lie detector.多种波动描记器:一种能同时记录诸如心跳、血压和汗液分泌等生理变化的仪器,常被用作测谎器〔phenoxybenzamine〕A long-acting alpha-adrenergic blocking agent, C18H 22ClNO·HCl, used to treat high blood pressure, excessive sweating, and tachycardia caused by pheochromocytoma. 苯氧苄胺:一种长期作用的、抑制肾上腺素功能的抑制药剂,C18H 22CINO·HCl,可用来治疗高血压、多汗症和由嗜铬细胞瘤引起的心跳过速




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