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单词 献身
释义 〔particularism〕Exclusive adherence to, dedication to, or interest in one's own group, party, sect, or nation.完全忠诚:对某人自己的团体、政党或国家的一种排他性的忠诚、献身或兴趣〔wholehearted〕Marked by unconditional commitment, unstinting devotion, or unreserved enthusiasm:全心全意的:无条件献身的、慷慨奉献的、极热情的:〔Neruda〕Chilean poet and diplomat whose literary tone of despair, evident in his early works, evolved into one reflecting the socialist commitment of the government of Salvador Allende. He won the 1971 Nobel Prize for literature.聂鲁达,帕布罗:(1904-1973) 智利诗人和外交家。他的早期作品带有明显的失意情调,其内容后发展成对萨尔瓦多艾伦德政府主张献身社会主义的反映,获得了1971年诺贝尔文学奖〔David〕French painter known for his classicism and his commitment to the ideals of the French Revolution. His works includeThe Oath of the Horatii (1785) and The Death of Marat (1793). 大卫,雅克·路易斯:(1748-1825) 法国画家,因其古典主义和对法国革命理想的献身而闻名,他的作品有《贺拉提乌斯兄弟之誓》 (1785年)和 《马拉之死》 (1793年) 〔dedicated〕Wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action; devoted:献身的:全心全意地交付给一特定的想法或行动的;一心一意的:〔Hanukkah〕An eight-day festival beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory in 165b.c. of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes (c. 215-164 b.c. ) and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem. Also called Feast of Dedication ,Feast of Lights 犹太圣节:一种从(犹太历)三月的第二十五天开始并持续8天的节日,以纪念公元前 165年马卡比一家战胜安提俄克斯·埃皮费尼(C.215-164 公元前 )和为位于耶路撒冷的神殿的献身 也作 Feast of Dedication,Feast of Lights〔dedication〕Selfless devotion:献身献身精神:无私的奉献:〔Angelus〕from Late Latin [angel, first word of the devotion] * see angel 源自 后期拉丁语 [天使,最早表示献身的单词] * 参见 angel〔devotion〕The act of devoting or the state of being devoted.献身:贡献行为或贡献的状况〔devoted〕Having been consecrated; dedicated.献身的:被献祭的;奉献的〔wedded〕Closely attached or devoted:热爱的或献身的:〔devotional〕A short religious service.献身的:一种短暂的宗教服务〔votary〕A devout adherent of a cult or religion; a committed worshiper:信徒:某种信仰或宗教的虔诚追随者;献身的教徒:〔votary〕"The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land,seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages" (Washington Irving).Ahabitué regularly frequents a place, especially one offering a particular pleasurable activity: “那看起来在我们全部领土上令人一致献身的伟大物质——全能的美元,在这奇怪的村庄里看起来没有真正的追随者” (华盛顿·欧文)。habitue 固定地爱去某个地方, 尤指提供特定的娱乐活动的地方: 〔desert〕When Shakespeare says in Sonnet 72,"Unless you would devise some virtuous lie,/To do more for me than mine own desert,”he is using the worddesert in the sense of "worthiness; deserving,” a word that is perhaps most familiar to us in the plural, meaning "something that is deserved,”as in the phrasejust deserts. This word goes back to the Latin worddēservīre, "to devote oneself to the service of,”which in Vulgar Latin came to mean "to merit by service.” Dēservīre is made up ofdē-, meaning "thoroughly,” and servīre, "to serve.” Knowing this,we can distinguish thisdesert from desert, "a wasteland,” and desert, "to abandon,” both of which go back to Latindēserere, "to forsake, leave uninhabited,” which is made up ofdē-, expressing the notion of undoing, and the verb serere, "to link together.” We can also distinguish all threedeserts from dessert, "a sweet course at the end of a meal,” which is from the French worddesservir, "to clear the table.” Desservir is made up ofdes-, expressing the notion of reversal, and servir (from Latin servīre ), "to serve,” hence, "to unserve" or "to clear the table.”当莎士比亚在第72首十四行诗中说:“除非你能编出善意的谎言/把我说得比我本人强得多”,这里desert 的意思就是“应得的东西”。 对这个词,我们最熟悉的大概是其复数形式(意思是“应得的东西”)。例如在词组just deserts 中。 该词的起源可以追溯到拉丁词deservire , 意为“为…而献身”,在俗拉丁语中,意思就变成了“依据服务应得…”。 Deservire 由de- 意思是“完全地,彻底地”和 servire “服务”组成。 知道了这些,我们就可以把desert 与 desert “荒原”和 desert “放弃”区别开来。 后面两个意义可追溯到拉丁语deserere “遗弃,无人居住”, 它由de- 表示“不做”的概念和动词 serere “连接到一起”组成。 我们也能把所有这三个deserts 与 dessert “正餐最后上的一道甜食”区分开来, 后者来自法语词desservir “收拾桌子”。 Desservir 由表达“反,逆”概念的des- 和 servir 组成(来自拉丁语 servire ), 意为“服务”、“因此“、“不上菜”或“清理桌子”〔commitment〕The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons:致力,献身:对行动过程、他人或多人感情上或理智上地联系的状态:〔nationalism〕Devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation.民族主义:对于一个特定民族利益和文化的献身〔exalted〕an exalted dedication to liberty.为自由的崇高献身〔morale〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "a spirit, as of dedication to a common goal, that unites a group": 这些名词所共有的中心意思是“一种能联合成一个群体的精神,如为共同的目标而献身”: 〔oblate〕A layperson dedicated to religious life.献身宗教生活的俗人〔patriotism〕Love of and devotion to one's country.爱国主义:热爱祖国和为国献身的精神〔Hanukkah〕Hebrew ḥănukkâ [dedication] 希伯来语 ḥănukkâ [献身,献词] 〔votary〕These nouns refer to one who is devoted to a person, a cause, or an activity.Bothvotary and devotee originally referred to religious dedication but can also denote attachment to a pursuit such as a branch of learning or enthusiasm for something such as a hobby: 这些名词指献身于另一个人、一种事业或一项活动的人。Votary 和 devotee 最早都指宗教上的献身但也可以指对某种追求的爱慕, 如某种学科或对于如嗜好这样的事情的热情:




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