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释义 | 〔Mitanni〕An ancient kingdom of northwest Mesopotamia extending from the bend in the Euphrates River nearly to the Tigris River. Founded probably by Aryans, the kingdom was established c. 1475b.c. and lasted until c. 1275, when it fell to the Hittites. 米坦尼:美索不达米亚西北的古老王国,从幼发拉底河湾延伸接近底格里斯河。该王国可能是由亚利安人于大约公元前 1475年所建,持续到公元1275年,直至其落入赫梯人之手 〔Paderborn〕A city of west-central Germany northwest of Kassel. It joined the Hanseatic League in the 13th century and passed to Prussia in 1802. Population, 109,514.帕德伯恩:德国中西部的一个城市,位于卡塞尔的西北部,它于13世纪加入汉萨同盟,1802年落入普鲁士手中。人口109,514〔Helsinki〕The capital and largest city of Finland, in the southern part of the country on the Gulf of Finland. Founded in 1550 by Gustavus I of Sweden, it was moved to its present site in 1640. Helsinki passed to Russia along with Finland in 1809 and became capital of Finland in 1812, retaining that status when the country proclaimed its independence in 1917. Population, 484,263.赫尔辛基:芬兰首都及最大的城市,位于该国的南方,濒临芬兰湾。由瑞典国王古斯塔夫斯一世于1550年创建,1640年迁到现在的地址。1809年,赫尔辛基随芬兰一道落入了俄国的统治之下,1812年成为芬兰的首都,直到1917年芬兰宣布独立时,一直保持那种状态。人口484,263〔Sivas〕A city of central Turkey east of Ankara. An important city of Asia Minor under the Romans, Byzantines, and Seljuk Turks, it was sacked by Tamerlane in 1400 and fell to the Ottoman Turks in the 15th century. Population, 172,864.西瓦斯:土耳其中部一城市,位于安卡拉东部。在罗马、拜占庭、塞尔柱突厥部落的统治下,该城市都是小亚细亚的重要城市。1400年,该城市被泰摩兰洗劫,并于15世纪落入奥斯曼土耳其统治之下。人口172,864〔fall〕a person who fell prey to swindlers; did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists.被骗子欺诈的人;不希望国家落入恐怖分子手中〔drop〕To pass or slip into a specified state or condition:落入特定状态或处境:〔set〕A descent below the horizon.(日)落:落入地平线下〔Nicosia〕The capital and largest city of Cyprus, in the north-central part of the island. Founded probably before the seventh centuryb.c. , it fell to the Venetians in 1489 and the Turks in 1571. It became the capital when Cyprus gained independence in 1960. Population, 48,221. 尼科西亚:塞浦路斯首都及最大城市,位于该岛的中北部。大约建立于公元前 7世纪前,1489年被威尼斯人所控,1571年又落入土耳其人手中。1960年当塞浦路斯获得独立时被确立为首都。人口48,221 〔Darfur〕A region and former sultanate of western Sudan. Occupied since prehistoric times, the area fell to the Egyptians in 1874 and later to the British, who incorporated it into their holdings in the Sudan.达尔福尔:苏丹西部地区和前苏丹所统冶的王国,这个地区自从史前时代就被占据,1874年落入埃及人手中,然后是英国人,他们把它合并到他们在苏丹所占有的土地中〔Ticonderoga〕A resort village of northeast New York between Lake George and Lake Champlain. Fort Carillon, built by the French in 1755, was taken in 1759 by the British, who renamed it Fort Ticonderoga. American Revolutionary troops captured the fort in May 1775, but it was later abandoned without a struggle to British forces in July 1777 during the Saratoga Campaign.泰孔德罗加:美国纽约东北部一村庄,位于乔治湖与尚普兰湖之间。1755年法国人在这里建造了卡里隆堡,1759年被英国夺取并重新命名为泰孔德罗加堡。1775年5美国独立战争部队占领了这个城堡,但在1777年7月的萨拉托加战役中,该城堡被不战而弃,落入英军手中〔Valencia〕also [bä-lĕnʹthyä] A region and former kingdom of eastern Spain on the Mediterranean coast south of Catalonia. Inhabited by Iberian peoples in early times, it was colonized by Greek and Carthaginian traders and fell to the Moors in the eighth century. The Cid ruled the region and the city of Valencia from 1094 until his death in 1099. 也作 [bä-lĕnʹthyä] 巴伦西亚:西班牙东部的一个地区和以前的王国,位于卡特罗尼亚以南的地中海海岸线上,早期由伊比利亚人定居于此,希腊人和迦太基商人将其变成殖民地并于8世纪落入摩尔人手中,熙德从1094年直至其在1099年死亡一直统治着这个地区和巴伦西亚城市〔Tripolitania〕A historical region of northern Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Originally a Phoenician colony, it was later held by Carthage, Numidia, and Rome (after 46b.c. ). Tripolitania fell to the Vandals in a.d. 435, to the Arabs in the seventh century, and finally to the Ottoman Turks in 1553. 的黎波里塔尼亚:非洲北部历史上的一个地区,临地中海。起初,它是腓尼基的一个殖民地,后来分别被迦太基、努米底亚和罗马占领(公元前 46年之后)。的黎波里塔尼亚在 公元 435年落入汪达尔人的统治,7世纪被阿拉伯人占领,最后于1553年被奥斯曼土耳其人占领 〔Pittsburgh〕A city of southwest Pennsylvania at the point where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers forms the Ohio River. Fort Duquesne was built on the site by the French c. 1750 and fell to the British in 1758, when it was renamed Fort Pitt. The village surrounding the fort grew rapidly after the opening of the Northwest Territory. The city today is highly industrialized. Population, 369,879.匹兹堡:美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的城市,在此阿尔勒格尼河与莫农格黑拉河的交汇形成了俄亥俄河。1750年法国人在此地建了杜首斯堡,于1758年落入英国军队手中并被重新命名为匹兹城堡。城堡周围的村庄在西北区开发后迅速发展起来。如今该城已高度工业化。人口369,879〔gulch〕Perhaps from dialectal gulch [to gush, (of land) to sink in] 可能源自 方言 gulch [涌出,(土地)陷落入] 〔Poitou〕A historical region of west-central France bordering on the Bay of Biscay. A part of the Roman province of Aquitania, it fell to the Visigoths (a.d. 418) and the Franks (507) and was frequently contested by France and England until the end of the Hundred Years' War, when it was incorporated into the French crown lands. 普瓦图:法国中西部一历史地区,濒临比斯开湾。它原是罗马帝国阿奎它尼亚省的一部分,后落入西哥特人(公元 418年)和法兰克人(507年)手中,以后直到百年战争结束这一地区都为英法频繁地争夺,百年战争结束,该地区被并入法国王室的版图 〔uneasy〕fell into a fitful, uneasy sleep.落入一阵阵的不舒服的睡眠〔Nantes〕A city of western France on the Loire River west of Tours. Dating to pre-Roman times, it was captured by Norse raiders in the ninth century and later fell to the dukes of Brittany. The Edict of Nantes, granting limited religious and civil liberties to the Huguenots, was issued in 1598 by Henry IV of France and revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV. Population, 240,539.南特:法国西部一城市,位于卢瓦尔河畔、图尔的西面,有记录始于前罗马时代,9世纪被诺斯人侵者征服,后落入布里特尼公爵,声明限制胡格诺人宗教和公民自由的南特法令于1598年由法国亨利四世颁布,路易十四世于1685年废止。人口240,539〔tout〕"The administration of the nation's literary affairs falls naturally into the hands of touts and thieves"(Lewis H. Lapham)“国家文学事业的管理自然就落入了贩子或骗子的手中”(刘易斯H.拉伯姆)〔Hampton〕An independent city of southeast Virginia opposite Norfolk onHampton Roads, the outlet of three rivers into Chesapeake Bay. Settled by colonists from Jamestown in 1610, the city was sacked by the British in the War of 1812 and was almost burned to the ground by Confederates in 1861 to prevent its occupation by Union troops. Population, 133,793. 汉普顿:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的一个独立城市,隔汉普顿大道 与诺福克相望,在那儿有三条河相汇并注入切萨皮克湾。该市于1610 年为詹姆斯敦的殖民者所建,在1812年战争中被英军洗劫,并在1861年几乎被南方联邦军队烧为平地,以免落入北方军队之手。人口133,793 〔stardust〕Minute particles of matter that fall to Earth from the stars. Not in scientific use.宇宙尘:从客观存在的恒星落入地球上的微小物质颗粒。不在科学上使用〔Plovdiv〕A city of south-central Bulgaria on the Maritsa River southeast of Sofia. Originally built by Thracians, it fell to Macedonia in 341b.c. and to Rome in 46. The city changed hands frequently in the Middle Ages and was controlled by Russia from 1877 to 1885. Population, 378,000. 普罗夫迪夫:保加利亚中南部一城市,位于马里查河河畔、索非亚东南。它最初由色雷斯人建立,公元前 341年落入马其顿之手,46年又被罗马吞并。在中世纪该城的统治权频繁变换;从1877年到1885年它一直被俄国控制。人口378,000 〔Thuringia〕A historical region of central Germany south of the Harz Mountains and crossed by theThuringian Forest, a range of low, wooded mountains. The region fell to the Franks in the 6th century a.d. and became a principality of the Holy Roman Empire in the 11th century. 图林根:德国中部一历史地区,位于哈茨山脉南部,从一条由生有树木的低矮山脉组成的山岭图林根林山 中穿过。该地区在 公元 6世纪落入法兰克人手中并于11世纪成为神圣罗马帝国的一个公国 〔gyre〕"rain swirling the night into tunnels and gyres"(Anthony Hyde)“晚上,雨打着漩落入地道和旋涡里”(安东尼·海德)〔Famagusta〕A city of eastern Cyprus on theBay of Famagusta, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Famagusta was a refugee center for Christians after Acre fell to the Saracens (1291). Population, 50,000. 法马古斯塔:塞浦路斯东部的一座城市,位于地中海的一个海湾法马古斯塔湾。 在亚克落入萨尔森人后成为基督徒们的难民中心(1291)。人口50,000 〔Calais〕A city of northern France on the Strait of Dover opposite Dover, England. The city fell to the English in 1347 after a siege of 11 months and was retaken by the French in 1558. Population, 76,527.加来:法国北部的一座城市,位于多佛海峡同英格兰多佛相对。该城于1347年落入英国人手中,后又于1558年在被包围了11个月之后被法国人夺回。人口76,527〔Tarragona〕A city of northeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea west-southwest of Barcelona. A leading town of Roman Spain after the third centuryb.c. , it fell to the Moors in a.d. 714. Population, 113,075. 塔拉戈纳:西班牙东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸,巴塞罗纳西南偏西方。在公元前 3世纪以后它成为罗马统治下西班牙的一个重要城镇。在 公元 714年,该城落入摩尔人之手。人口113,075 |
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