单词 | 天主教会 |
释义 | 〔Gallicanism〕A movement originating among the French Roman Catholic clergy that favored the restriction of papal control and the achievement by each nation of individual administrative autonomy.教会自主论主义:最初在法国罗马天主教士中产生的一次运动,主张各国的罗马天主教会脱离教皇控制而在管理上独立〔friar〕A member of a usually mendicant Roman Catholic order.托钵修会修士:常化缘的罗马天主教会成员〔Huss〕Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated (1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy. HisDe Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church. 胡斯,约翰:(1372?-1415) 捷克斯洛伐克宗教改革者,1409年由于攻击牧师制度的堕落而被开除教籍。他在著作《教会》 中对天主教会的权威和正确性提出了质疑 〔canon〕The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.为罗马天主教会所公认的圣徒名单〔sodality〕A society or an association, especially a devotional or charitable society for the laity in the Roman Catholic Church.天主教慈善团体:一个社团或协会,尤其是罗马天主教会中对俗人奉献或施善的团体〔Kulturkampf〕The struggle (1871-1883) between the Roman Catholic Church and the German government under Bismarck for control over school and ecclesiastical appointments and civil marriage.文化斗争:为了对学校、教会任命和公证结婚的控制,罗马天主教会和俾斯麦领导的德国政府之间所进行的斗争(1871-1883年)〔Ursuline〕A member of an order of nuns of the Roman Catholic Church, founded in the early 16th century and devoted to the education of girls.乌尔苏拉会的修女:罗马天主教会下一种修女会的成员,始建于16世纪早期,从事女童教育〔catholic〕A member of a Catholic church, especially a Roman Catholic.教徒:教会的成员,尤指罗马天主教会〔Calvin〕French-born Swiss Protestant theologian who broke with the Roman Catholic Church (1533) and set forth the tenets of his theology, known today as Presbyterianism, inInstitutes of the Christian Religion (1536). 卡尔文,约翰:(1509-1564) 法裔瑞士新教神学家﹐他摒弃了罗马天主教会(1533年)并在《基督教要义》 (1536年)中提出了自己的神学主张﹐即今天众所周知的长老会教义 〔Roman〕Abbr. Rom.Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church.缩写 Rom.罗马天主教会的:属于或有关罗马天主教会的〔macabre〕The wordmacabre is an excellent example of a word formed with reference to a specific context that has long since disappeared for everyone but scholars. Macabre is first recorded in the phrase Macabrees daunce in a work written around 1430 by John Lydgate. Lydgate expressed it so because he thoughtMacabree was a French author, although he was actually dealing with the Old French phraseDanse Macabre, "the Dance of Death,” a subject of art and literature.In this dance,Death leads people of all classes and walks of life to the same final end.Themacabre element is thought by some to be an alteration of Macabe , "a Maccabee.” The Maccabees were Jewish martyrswho were honored by a feast throughout the Western Church,and reverence for them was linked to reverence for the dead.One of the biblical books of Maccabees also contains a passage (II Maccabees 12:43-45) mentioning sacrifices for the dead and their future resurrection,which has been used to defend the doctrine of Purgatory.Todaymacabre has no connection with the Maccabees and little connection with the Dance of Death,but it still has to do with death.单词macabre 是一个极好的例子,创造该词的来龙去脉除了学者之外早已被世人所遗忘。 Macabre 最早见于短语 Macabrees daunce 是在1430年前后约翰·利德盖特写的一本书中。 利德盖特这样表达是因为他认为Macabree 是源于法语的词, 实际上他指的是一个古老的法语短语Danse Macabre, “死神之舞,” 一个艺术与文学的主题。在这个舞蹈中,死神把各种各样的人带到了同一个终点。有人认为macabre 是 Macabe 的变体,“马加比人”。 马加比们就是那些犹太殉道者,在天主教会中通过节日表达对他们的敬意,对他们的尊敬和对死的敬畏是联系在一起的。基督教典籍中关于马加比人的书中有一段文字(Ⅱ马加比人12:43-45)提到对死者的祭祀和他们未来的复活,这段文字被用来捍卫关于炼狱的教义。今天macabre 与马加比人毫无联系, 与死神之舞相关甚少,但它仍与死亡有关〔papal〕Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church.罗马天主教会的:罗马天主教会的或与其有关的〔Roman〕Abbr. Rom.One belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.缩写 Rom.古罗马天主教会教徒〔Luther〕German theologian and leader of the Reformation. His opposition to the wealth and corruption of the papacy and his belief that salvation would be granted on the basis of faith alone rather than by works caused his excommunication from the Catholic Church (1521). Luther confirmed the Augsburg Confession in 1530, effectively establishing the Lutheran Church.路德,马丁:(1483-1546) 德国神学家、欧洲宗教改革运动的领袖。他反对教会阶层的富有和腐败,认为只要在信仰的基础上即可获得超度,而不须借助于教会的典籍,这些观点使他于1521年与天主教会脱离。他肯定了1530年的奥格斯堡忏悔会,成功的建立了的路德教会〔Tridentine〕Of or relating to an ecumenical council held by the Roman Catholic Church in Trent, Italy, from 1545 to 1563.特伦特主教会议的:属于或关于罗马天主教会在1545年至1563年期间,在意大利的特兰特举行的全基督教徒的会议的〔Uniat〕Of or relating to any of several Eastern Christian churches that are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but retain their own languages, rites, and codes of canon law.东仪天主教会的:属于或有关一种东方基督教教派的,他与罗马天主教徒的教派交流,但保持他们自己的语言、礼拜式和教会法规的礼教习俗〔Pelagianism〕The theological doctrine propounded by Pelagius, a British monk, and condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church ina.d. 416. It denied original sin and affirmed the ability of human beings to be righteous by the exercise of free will. 贝拉吉乌斯主义:一种英国修道士贝拉吉乌斯首倡的神学学说,公元 416年被罗马天主教会指责为异端邪说。该学说否认原罪之说并且确信人类有能力通过不断的实践锻炼而使自我意志变得正直 |
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