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单词 行为怪异
释义 〔geezer〕A relationship with a word we know well is disguised in the wordgeezer. A clue to this relationship is found in British dialect.TheEnglish Dialect Dictionary defines geezer as "a queer character, a strangely-acting person,” and refers the reader toguiser, "a mummer, masquerader.” The citations forguiser refer to practices such as the following: "People, usually children . . . go about on Christmas Eve, singing, wearing masks, or otherwise disguised,”the last word of this passage being the one to whichgeezer is related. 我们非常了解的与一个单词的联系即在于单词geezer 。 这种联系的线索发现于英国方言中。英语方言辞典 定义 geezer 为“一个奇怪的人,一个行为怪异的人”, 并且让读者参考guiser, “化妆舞会,假面舞会”。 guiser 的例句指出了一些活动, 例如:“大人,通常是孩子…戴着面具或以其他化妆方式在圣诞前夜走出去唱歌。”这段文章的最后一个单词即是geezer 与之有关的那一个




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