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单词 早期文明
释义 〔Chavin〕An early pre-Incan civilization that flourished in northern and central Peru from about 900 to 200b.c., known for its carved stone sculptures and boldly designed ceramics. 查文文化:印加文明之前于今日秘鲁中北部一度兴盛的早期文明(公元前 900年200年),以其石雕像及大胆设计风格的陶器闻名 〔Mesopotamia〕An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000b.c. , the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in a.d. 1258. 美索不达米亚:古代西南亚介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的一个地区,位于现在的伊拉克境内。可能在公元前 5000年以前就开始有人在此定居。这一地区孕育了众多的人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。蒙古侵略者在 公元 1258年破坏了该地区发达的灌溉系统之后,这一地区的重要性就此减小




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